HomeWhite Paper HubUnleash the Power of Total Experience in Telco: White Paper from Comarch

Unleash the Power of Total Experience in Telco: White Paper from Comarch


While telcos operating in a highly competitive market well understand the need to focus on customer experience, this alone is no longer sufficient to set them ahead of the pack. Rather, the dynamic and connected telco landscape dominated today by 5G requires a broader view that takes into account the needs of all stakeholders while still focusing in on the specific requirements of each.

Thus, ideas about separate customer experience are evolving into “total experience” – which encompasses customer experience, user experience, employee experience and multi-experience.

If achieving this sounds like a daunting task, it’s with good reason. Each of these stakeholders acts independently and interacts with the others in their specific way. Thus, balancing these behaviors and interactions to achieve a telco organization that is set up for success must begin with a deep understanding of the motivations, likes, dislikes and rewards relevant to each player – not to mention the role, potential and limitations of the telco technology stack will play in all this. It’s also essential to understand precisely what you hope to achieve from a total experience strategy, and which KPIs you need to improve in order to do this.

The latest episode of Comarch’s 2023 telco excellence campaign is there to guide you through all of this and beyond. Consisting of a short introductory video and in-depth white paper, the episode looks at the concept of total experience, and the challenges and benefits involved in adopting this strategy successfully.

Watch the episode here, and download your free copy of the white paper today.