Home5G & BeyondTIM concludes sale of NetCo to KKR 

TIM concludes sale of NetCo to KKR 


Operator said expected reduction in financial debt from the transaction has been confirmed

Telecom Italia (TIM) has confirmed the completion of the sale of NetCo to Kohlberg Kravis Roberts (KKR), via the transfer to FiberCop (a 58% owned subsidiary of TIM) of TIM’s business unit comprising the fixed network infrastructure and wholesale activities, and the subsequent acquisition of the entire capital of FiberCop by Optics BidCo, a subsidiary of KKR.

The investment funds other partners in the deal include Italian infrastructure fund F2i with a 10% stake in the venture, while Abu Dhabi’s sovereign wealth fund ADIA and Canada Pension Plan will hold a 20% stake and 17.5% stake respectively, according to Reuters.

Following the transaction, TIM’s total headcount will decrease from 37,065 to 17,281, equal to 16,135 full-time equivalents. TIM’s fibre and copper landline network covers nearly 89% of the country’s households and its fibre spans more than 23 million kilometres (14.3 million miles) across the country.

The sale of NetCo, valued at up to €22 billion, including earn-outs linked to the fulfilment of certain conditions, allows TIM to reduce its net financial debt in line with its previous disclosure to the market. The expected deleverage upon completion, pending customary post-closing adjustments, is confirmed at €14.2 billion.

“The completion of the transaction with KKR and the Italian Ministry of Finance is the result of two and a half years of intense work, during which we have improved the management of TIM and identified industrial and financial solutions that will enable us to meet future challenges,” said TIM CEO Pietro Labriola. “We reached a milestone that is also a new starting point: we have done so by meeting all targets within the announced deadlines. We intend to continue along this path, further increasing the trust of our employees, our customers and our shareholders.”

He added: As the first European mover, we chose to separate the fixed network infrastructure services from the other services we provide, to ensure the best, sustainable and fastest possible development of TIM. TIM will remain the reference telco in Italy and will continue to be the country’s most infrastructure-rich operator, offering innovative services, across both fixed and mobile services, serving families, the public administration and businesses”.

In addition to confirmed debt reduction, TIM confirmed €0.4 billion adjustments and separation costs, translating into a reduction of net financial debt by €13.8 billion. The operator was quick to point out that the cash component corresponding to the PNRR advances relating to FiberCop, amounting to €0.4 billion, was deconsolidated as part of the transaction

Master Service Agreement

The future business relationships between NetCo and TIM are regulated through a 15-year Master Service Agreement (MSA), renewable for a further 15 years. The services comprised in the MSA will be provided at market prices and without any minimum purchase commitments. Labriola said the transaction provides TIM with the opportunity to adopt a new business model that will allow the group to compete more effectively in the consumer and enterprise markets in Italy, thanks to a stronger focus on the industrial and commercial aspects of its business and thanks to a solid financial structure.

The operator said more details on the completion of the transaction will be provided during the preliminary Q2 2024 results conference call on 1 August 2024. Leading TIM shareholder Vivendi is still challenging TIM’s decision to sell the network in the courts.


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