HomeCloud/NFVT-Mobile CZ and Slovak Telekom pick Mavenir for NFV-based IMS

T-Mobile CZ and Slovak Telekom pick Mavenir for NFV-based IMS


T-Mobile Czech Republic (CZ) and Slovak Telekom have deployed Mavenir’s cloud-native, converged IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem) solution.

The “common and harmonised” solution is designed to reduce existing footprint and provide network simplification to realise significant cost-savings for the operators, which are both owned by Deutsche Telekom.

As an existing Mavenir customer for VoLTE, IMS and converged fixed and mobile Telecom Application Server (TAS), T-Mobile CZ has moved its multi-million VoLTE subscribers (prepaid, post-paid, VoWiFi, fixed) to an NFV-based software infrastructure solution, while continuing to support the same features and function.

Slovak Telekom has moved to the same solution but is replacing a legacy IMS implementation using proprietary hardware with an open NFV-based solution. Slovak Telekom recently started migrating its current VoLTE subscribers from legacy IMS, adding new VoLTE subscribers and migrating its fixed subscribers.

Shared data centres

The operators intend to leverage shared data centres in two locations across two countries. Their aim is that the common implementation will improve operational effectiveness and reduce complexity in their networks.

“We continue with the transformation of our leading networks for our Czech and Slovak customer base, where the convergent Mavenir IMS Voice solution perfectly fits our demand and serves our future technology and cost reduction strategy,” said Branimir Maric, CTIO at T-Mobile CZ and Slovak Telekom. “We selected Mavenir for their ability to solve and overcome IMS deployment challenges quickly, as well as their proven NFV and system integration expertise.”


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