

June/July 2012 Edition – Insight Report, Small Cells 2012 

The consumer desire for ubiquitous, high quality wireless broadband has brought forward a new approach to the mobile network. This approach mixes the use, and reuse, of licensed and unlicensed spectrum to build what is known as the Heterogenous Network.

The Het Net, whilst promising to deliver on that consumer need, brings with it many implementation challenges. Operators can benefit from a reduction in site space and power, but must ensure that they are gaining the maximum performance possible from the assets they have to hand.

This report will determine what the next steps are in the delivery of the Het Net, as operators use small cells to enable ubiquitous mobile broadband consumer experience.

Key issues include: WiFi integration ► Antenna technology ► SON technology and deployment – the network aware small cell ► Edge intelligence – the intelligent small cell ► Backhaul integration.

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