HomeFinancial/RegulationPutin shakes up and centralises Russian telecoms regulation

Putin shakes up and centralises Russian telecoms regulation


Russia’s President, Vladimir Putin, signed a decree to streamline telecoms, digital development and media regulatory bodies into the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications & Mass Media.

The decree signed by Presiden Putin is on, “On improving public administration in the field of digital development, communications and mass media’ abolishing the Federal Communications Agency (Rossvyaz) and the Federal Agency for Press & Mass Communications (Rospechat), which are both subordinate agencies to the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications & Mass Media”.

An announcement from the Ministry said that the integration of its subordinates will allow more efficient use of resources.

Gradual transfer

All functionalities will be gradually transferred to the Ministry, in line with administrative reforms to centralise state management announced by the Prime Minister, Mikhail Mishustin.

Rossvyaz, established in 2004, is responsible for overseeing universal telecoms service obligations, telecoms numbering resources, the development of satellite communications networks and the execution of the federal budget.

Rospechat, formed in the same year, provides government services and manages state property in the field of press and mass media/communications, including public computer networks/electronic media as well as printing/publishing.

IT and mass media remain subordinate

TeleGeography notes that the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, IT & Mass Media (Roskomnadzor) continues as a subordinate Ministry agency. Roskomnadzor was established by decree in December 2008 and is responsible for the control and supervision of electronic communications, IT and mass media/communications, as well as the coordination of radio frequencies.

Licensing of telecommunication services is overseen by Roskomnadzor. Additionally, the State Commission for Radio Frequencies (SCRF) is an inter-agency coordinating body under the Ministry, which has full authority in the regulation of wireless spectrum.


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