Home5G & BeyondA1 start-ups win City of Vienna 5G use case challenge

A1 start-ups win City of Vienna 5G use case challenge


A1-supported start-ups Azoomee and Scarletred have won the City of Vienna’s 5G Use Case Challenge.

The Telekom Austria subsidiary’s Start-up Campus provides space and A1 business solutions for selected Austrian start-ups.

Following a call from the City of Vienna for 5G use case entries in autumn 2019, Azoome and Scarletred, with A1 as their technology partner, have won awards for education and healthcare. Funded pilots will begin this year.

Augmented reality

Azoomee develops educational entertainment applications for children. Its Virtual Vienna project brings historic sites to life via 5G-enabled augmented reality. The solution will also be used for tourism applications.

Austrian eHealth company Scarletred provides telemedicine solutions for nursing care at home.

A statement from A1 said, “A1 lays the foundation for new services and opportunities with the upcoming 5Giganetwork and particularly supports Viennese businesses, start-ups and private individuals in making use of the advantages of digitalisation.

“Augmented and virtual reality will be important applications for 5G in the future – especially in the field of education – and medicine will certainly also benefit from 5G and its immense possibilities.”


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