HomeMobile EuropeNokia Siemens looking for rural 800MHz LTE trial location in UK

Nokia Siemens looking for rural 800MHz LTE trial location in UK


Tech-deprived techies required for LTE trial

Nokia Siemens Networks is to trial LTE 800MHz technology in a rural location in the UK. The company is currently partnering with industry grouping Cambridge Wireless to find a suitable location for the trial.

The objective of the rural broadband trial is to evaluate the economics of providing broadband to rural communities using LTE at 800MHz. The trial will run for approximately six months and Cambridge Wireless and NSN are currently looking for a suitable location – somewhere that is poorly served by broadband and with limited or no 3G coverage. Cambridge Wireless has asked its members to suggest a suitable location.

Not just anyone can get involved though. A note from Cambridge Wireless to its members said, “To minimise the ‘customer support’ required, our plan is to primarily involve Cambridge Wireless members (or their friends and families) in the first instance (rather than the general public).”