HomeMobile EuropeMVNO of the Year Awards 2023

MVNO of the Year Awards 2023


Submission deadline – 1st September 2023
Winners announced – 4th October 2023

The Mobile Europe MVNO of the Year Awards look to reward leading mobile virtual network operators based in Europe & MEA, across two Awards: Consumers’ Champion MVNO of the Year and Business Innovation MVNO of the Year.

The inaugural Awards will build on the success of Mobile Europe’s CTO of the Year Awards spanning the last decade, which are renowned across the telecoms industry.

The Awards will recognise one of the most dynamic and innovative sectors in telecommunications: according to Future Market Insights (FMI), the global MVNO market is valued at $70.3 billion in 2022 and likely to reach $147.7 billion by 2032. Prescient & Strategic Intelligence predicts the European MVNO market generated $27,748.1 million revenue in 2020 and will grow at a CAGR of 5.8% during 2020–2030 to $48,762.8 million.

The European MVNO market suffered a slight downturn during the pandemic, but now is growing by supporting disruptive digital services like mobile money, cloud services and machine-to-machine transactions, leveraging technologies like 5G, AI, machine learning and IoT.

The Consumers’ Champion MVNO of the Year Award will be given to the European, Middle Eastern or African MVNO that is deemed always to put the best interests and superior experience of its consumers customers’ first. This could range from simple pricing models and/or enabling customers to switch packages easily to self-service customer care, fostering communities, a creative approach to loyalty or bringing extra value to families or other tightly-knit groups.

The MVNO landscape is becoming more complex with some platform-based providers offering services to B2B to MVNOs, as well as to the B2B MVNOs themselves.

The Business Innovation MVNO of the Year Award will be given who are innovating to bring additional value to the B2B MVNO ecosystem.

To submit your entry

Download and fill in the entry form and  send to Tiffany Amorós tiffanya@sjpbusinessmedia.com by 1 September 2023.

We will notify you in September once the shortlist has been selected by the panel of judges. Those shortlisted will be invited to a virtual roundtable discussion on 4 October 2023, after which we will announce and celebrate the winners. Trophies will be dispatched shortly afterwards

Contact us with queries – we are here to help you make your entry as good as it can possibly be.