HomeNewsInsight Report: In-Building Mobile Broadband

Insight Report: In-Building Mobile Broadband


Mobile Europe’s Insight Reports are an in-depth report service addressing key issues across the mobile sector.

Produced six times a year in partnership with leading analysts, the 20 page Insight Reports focus on the issues vital to the industry, meeting the research needs of time-poor executives.

May 2011 Edition – In-building mobile broadband
This report will look at options for operators to provide in-building mobile broadband access, within the context of their overall network infrastructure.
Particular attention will be paid to how operators can provide efficient mobile broadband coverage within large enterprise buildings and structures.

How will in-building wireless strategies be affected by the rollout of next generation networks, including LTE?

What impact will the re-farming of 900MHz?

Is enough consideration given to in-building requirements in network planning, design and operation?

Issues covered will include:

a.. The market drivers for providing in-building mobile broadband coverage
b.. What business models are enabled, and likely to succeed?
c.. Analysis of technologies – including pico and femtocells; DAS/repeater-based approaches; WiFi access and offload. 
d.. Analysis of which companies provide solutions in this area

This edition of Mobile Europe will have bonus distribution at the The Femtocells World Summit 2011 and TETRA World Congress 2011.

For fuller information on the marketing opportunities including, advertising, thought-leadership articles, webinars, and video interviews please contact Shahid Ramzan +44 (0) 207 933 8980, shahid.ramzan@mobileeurope.co.uk

Deadline 8 April 2011

Distribution – Delivered within the printed edition of Mobile Europe to over 7,500 senior executives within European Mobile Operators and a digital version delivered to 11,556 readers globally.

Web Audience – hosted and promoted online to 24,000 + monthly unique visitors of Mobile Europe www.mobileeurope.co.uk