Home5G & BeyondHrvatski Telekom Croatia opts for Ericsson as sole 5G RAN supplier

Hrvatski Telekom Croatia opts for Ericsson as sole 5G RAN supplier


Ericsson Nikola Tesla in Croatia has been selected by Hrvatski Telekom as its sole supplier of 5G Radio Access Network (RAN) products and services until 2024.

The deal is the first of its kind in Croatia. Ericsson technology will be deployed in the operator’s network, including Ericsson Radio System products and solutions and Ericsson Spectrum Sharing.

The companies have partnered since 2018 to modernise Hrvatski Telekom’s radio network.

In addition to enhanced mobile broadband, Hrvatski Telekom aims to boost digitalisation and Industry 4.0 through the innovation opportunities enabled by its 5G network.

The dash for digital

Kostas Nebis, CEO, Hrvatski Telekom, says: “The past months made it clear how vital the ICT industry and investments in digital infrastructure are, as they are a key lever for the society’s digitalisation and return to economic growth.

“The cooperation with Ericsson is the latest example of our commitment to supporting the economy and society and we intend to continue keeping the pace of our network investment plan and connecting everyone in Croatia with the digitalization opportunities.”

He adds, “5G technology implementation is applicable on a broad scale and resonating with Croatia’s needs, such as enabling higher energy efficiencies through smart metering and dynamic management of power supply, higher efficiency in agriculture through connected and automated devices and machinery, or optimisation of irrigation processes, as well as in variety of other industries.”