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How to Move Your IoT Platforms Into the Telco Cloud? New Comarch White Paper


What is the telco cloud? How can it improve the telecom business? And where should you start the journey towards it? These and more questions from the telecom industry are answered within the latest white paper from Comarch.

All modern technologies such as 5G, edge computing and IoT services rely on the telco cloud. In order to grow, develop their services and deploy them fast enough, communication service providers need to move their IoT platforms to the cloud. Otherwise, they might fall behind the competition.

Is moving to the cloud a simple decision to be made and implemented? Or maybe there are things that need to change before the big move? How exactly does a telecom business prepare for such transformation?

If you’re wondering whether the telco cloud solution is for you, or whether your business software and organization are ready for the cloud, check out Comarch’s free white paper “How to Move Your IoT Platforms into the Telco Cloud”.