HomeSatelliteEutelsat opts for Airbus to expand OneWeb's LEO constellation

Eutelsat opts for Airbus to expand OneWeb’s LEO constellation


The first spacecraft are due for delivery by the end of 2026 and pave the way for the IRIS2 constellation announced by the EU earlier this week

Eutelsat Group has selected Airbus Defence and Space to build 100 new satellite for the extension to its OneWeb low Earth orbit (LEO) constellation. Under the contract with Airbus, the first batches are due for delivery by the end of 2026.

The new satellites will include upgrades including 5G on-ground integration. They will be technologically compatible with Europe’s IRIS2 constellation, announced earlier this month, paving the way for its entry into operational service in 2030. Eutelsat will be the main architect of IRIS2 and operate the LEO segment.

The procurement of these satellites is integrated within Eutelsat’s Capital Expenditure outlook for 2025, and compatible with its longer-term financial framework, Eutelsat said.

Eva Berneke, CEO of Eutelsat Group (pictured0, commented: “We are relying on our long-standing partner, Airbus, to begin building the first batches of the Next Generation of our OneWeb LEO constellation, which will ensure we deliver continuity of service of the existing constellation with enhanced service features, as we move towards an architecture in line with the IRIS2constellation in 2030.

“Our in-market experience shows us that the appetite for low Earth orbit capacity is growing rapidly, and we are excited to embark on the next stage of our journey to satisfy that demand.”