Home5G & BeyondEricsson’s Cradlepoint and DT-owned T-Mobile crack the code for 5G fixed wireless...

Ericsson’s Cradlepoint and DT-owned T-Mobile crack the code for 5G fixed wireless access 


Could a custom-build be used to solve universal problem?

Business customers of DT-owned T-Mobile in the US are to be offered industrial strength all-in-one 5G routers built by Ericsson-owned equipment maker Cradlepoint. The design collaborators say this unblocks fixed wireless access (FWA) to fast, fortified services but initially the router is only for US subscribers to T-Mobile Business Internet with single or multiple retail, multi-tenant office, and remote work locations.

Businesses in the US are currently being bamboozled by internet providers who offer glorified consumer internet, the release says. They need an instant installation that’s nationally networked to all their locations nationwide without compromising their security. They haven’t been getting that, according to T-Mobile, because of the challenges faced by fixed line operators. With the right ‘bridges’, mobile networks can make a rapid crossing of the fixed-wireless chasm, according to Callie Field, President of the T-Mobile Business Group. “T-Mobile is the only provider with a network large enough and fast enough to meet the needs of diverse organizations,” said Field. “The Un-carrier is the first and only provider that can offer enterprise-grade 5G fixed wireless from coast to coast.”

By working with the latest 5G technology, like Ericsson’s Cradlepoint E320 5G router and NetCloud Service, they can create a nationwide 5G footprint and a managed that takes minutes to install and run, says T-Mobile. Cradlepoint’s NetCloud security management has firewall and intrusion prevention and security features that are only available to enterprises at the moment. Another bridge to cross before this FWA is universally available is that the managed services for configuration, monitoring and analytics aren’t designed to mitigate against consumer services like streaming movies or online gaming.

Only Cradlepoint can get the best out of 5G for business, at the moment, as it has cracked the edge-to-core cellular intelligence and enterprise-class challenge with its NetCloud Service, claimed its Chief Product Officer Pankaj Malhotra. The joint fixed wireless solution from T-Mobile for Business and Cradlepoint will be available ‘soon’ with select T-Mobile Business Internet plans and services.