Earlier this month some operators had asked the regulator for permission to raise prices by up to 100% after they had been held at the same level for 11 years
According to Brand Finance Global 500 report, DT beats Verizon and AT&T, while e&'s brand increased eight-fold in the last 12 months, but techcos rule the roost
The two say their joint venture will deliver services to 19m more people in the Democratic Republic of Congo and that it is the first of its kind in Africa
The two German associations have identified power connections as a bottleneck for operators trying to meet Federal Network Agency’s (BNetzA) spectrum obligations
The new FibreCo, plus a wholesale deal with Telefónica, completes the transformation of Vodafone Spain’s fixed line strategy, delivering full FTTH services nationally
He will take up the mantle of seeking a new deal for the telecom sector at the European level, in order to find the conditions for sustainable investment in digital infrastructure
Most cable damage is caused by human error or natural activity but there are grey areas when it comes to legal responsibilities in international water – and this needs to change