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On Demand Webinars

New data demand, new network? Deliver Het Net performance now

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Mobile broadband demand is increasing at an astonishing rate. At the current rate of adoption it will not be long before operators with legacy network architectures will lack the performance needed to deliver adequate Quality of Experience for consumers and the financial performance needed for operators to prosper.

The panel discuss:

Webinar now available to view: Next Generation Customer Service Powered by CEM

Leverage Real-Time Device, Service, Experience, and Network Analytics to Transform your Customer Service Strategy

The past year has seen the intersection between Customer Experience Management, customer service and real-time analytics. However, this has not yet resulted in dramatic improvements in customer service - most CEM initiatives are siloed and have not yet reached the device level.

In addition, a vast quantity of network and service management data continues to be under-utilised. This webinar will discuss:

Webinar now available to view: LTE-A – When Will You Benefit?

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LTE-Advanced promises to provide true 4G connectivity and to meet all the requirements of IMT-Advanced. What are the problems in LTE that need to be solved by the evolution to LTE-A, and how can you take the earliest possible advantages of the solutions it offers?

Attend this seminar by the leading LTE test solution supplier and find out why now is the time to benefit from LTE-A.

You will learn:

  • What are the main drivers behind the rapid evolution to LTE-A?
  • What are the benefits it promises in terms of meeting the growing demand for smartphones and the challenges they impose on the network
  • How LTE-A helps to reduce OPEX and CAPEX for the operator
  • How it enables operators to make the best use of expensive but fragmented spectrum and to improve coverage and capacity
  • How can operators respond to the pressure for technology to be more energy-efficient
  • What technology changes make all this possible – carrier aggregation, MIMO, self-organizing networks, interference management
  • How quickly is the hardware likely to deliver all these benefits, and what technology developments will be needed?

Now available to view: Making Wi-Fi “Carrier Grade” to Support Cellular Offload

Webinar on carrier grade WiFi now available on demand

Mobile operators must offload data traffic from their congested networks whenever possible. Even with increased spectrum and capacity from new LTE networks, the trend of and demand for offloading traffic with Wi-Fi is here to stay. 

The existing class of Wi-Fi offered today by hotels and local coffee shops won’t cut it for operators. Operators realize an unsatisfactory user experience on Wi-Fi can result in the loss of high-margin smartphone customers. As a result, Wi-Fi networks and devices are going through a major evolution from a convenience to critical extensions of operators’ mobile data networks. This shift means Wi-Fi needs to become “carrier grade.” 

Many potential pitfalls confront operators engaged in upgrading their Wi-Fi: building for coverage rather capacity, poor vendor access point selection, misconfigured devices, and underestimating client device behavior. Operators and system integrators cannot fall into the trap of building networks based on theoretical performance claims – they must instead use methodologies that quickly show true performance and measure user experience.

Webinar now available to view: Designing high capacity networks in stadiums: challenges & best practices

Free webinar on stadium wireless network design now available to view


In the era of smartphones, designing high capacity networks inside stadiums and arenas is more important than ever. To engage in the full stadium experience, sports and music fans expect to share their favourite moments, captured through photos and video, on social media sites. 

This places increasing demands for data capacity on mobile broadband networks, but also offers rewards to operators who can meet their customers' high expectations.

This webinar will cover:

Webinar now ready to view: Why VoLTE and Why Now?

Understand more about the challenges operators and manufacturers face in developing and deploying voice-over-LTE.

LTE promises greatly accelerated data rates — even when mobile users are travelling at hundreds of kilometers per hour. However, as LTE moves from the labs into actual deployments, debates over the glaring gap in delivering voice over an LTE network are growing.

Voice is the major revenue generator for operators, and voice-over-LTE (VoLTE) is now being touted as the technology of choice for delivering voice to LTE networks.

In this webinar EXFO’s LTE experts examine the benefits of VoLTE, and the challenges (both pre-deployment and post-deployment) faced by manufacturers and operators developing and deploying VoLTE networks.

Learn more about:

Webinar now available to view: Multi-million Returns from Mobile Marketing: The new ARPU Growth & Churn Reduction Story 

Mobile marketing webinar now available to view

Date: Wednesday, 28th September 2011, 4pm GMT
Host: Keith Dyer, Editor, Mobile Europe
Speakers: Stephen Upstone, VP of Sales & Business Development for Europe, Velti; Ioanna Louka, Commercial Director, Velti.

How can mobile operators use data driven marketing to increase loyalty and reduce churn? Register to find out.

This webinar looks at new techniques using customer affinity and emotional connection to measurably drive increased ARPU and churn reduction. 

Too many operator customer relationships are like a bad marriage with one contacting the other to complain and the other only getting in touch to try and  sell things to them. Broadening your customer dialogue beyond just sending targeted sales offers with discounts on mobile products leads to multi-million returns from pre-paid and post-paid customers and higher customer satisfaction.

Address LTE Backhaul Demand with Lower Cost Carrier Ethernet

Webinar recording now available to view

As the popularity of smartphones and other intelligent devices increases, mobile operators' future revenue growth hinges upon their ability to deliver a wider range of mobile broadband applications and services. However, delivering such applications and services can quickly overwhelm the capacity of current 3G and associated backhaul networks. As a result, an accelerating transition to LTE and other 4G network technologies is well underway. In fact, within the next five to ten years LTE will become the most widely adopted mobile network standard around the world.

Date: Wednesday, 8 June, 2011, 3pm BST

Host: Keith Dyer, Editor, Mobile Europe

Barry Zipp, Andy Walker and Simon Parry, Ciena

Taking a more intelligent approach to mobile data throughput

Webinar now available to view Date: Thursday, 12 May, 2011, 2pm BST (1pm GMT) Host: Keith Dyer, Editor, Mobile EuropePresenter: Paul Colgan, CTO, The Now...

Backhaul Overhaul for the Age of Mobile Data

Webinar recording now available to view

Date: Wednesday, 23 March, 2011, 2pm GMT
Host: Keith Dyer, Editor, Mobile Europe
Julius Robson, former Chairman of the LTE/SAE Trial Initiative
Lance Hiley, VP Market Strategy, Cambridge Broadband Networks

Data is different. Voice based concepts like ‘busy hour’ and ‘Erlangs’ are no longer appropriate when it comes to designing backhaul networks for mobile broadband. In this webinar we drill down into some real traffic measurements from live voice and data centric networks. A model for data traffic is developed which can be used to predict traffic levels across the transport network. We consider the roll out and consumer adoption of LTE, and the evolving backhaul capacity requirements, from the last mile to the core.

Solutions for Mobile Broadband Profitability

Turning the Capacity Crunch into a Revenue Bounce - recording now available to view Date: Wednesday, 2 February, 2011Host: Keith Dyer, Edtor, Mobile Europe ...

Live debate: Beyond the niche – why small cells will be network critical in 2011

Recording now available to view Date: Tuesday, 1 February, 2011 Panelists:Peter Jarich, Service Director, Current AnalysisSimon Saunders, Chair, Femto ForumDavid Swift, Director of Product Marketing, Alcatel-Lucent...

Six Essential Steps: LTE Small Cell Development & Validation

Webinar recording now available to view Date: Wednesday, 26 January, 2011Host: Keith Dyer, Editor, Mobile Europe Presenters:Nitin Tomar, Product Line Manager, Continuous ComputingPaul Neil, LTE Product...

How real-time charging and policy management are converging to drive more profitable mobile data plans

Recording now available to view

Date: Tuesday, 25 January, 2011
Host: Keith Dyer, Editor, Mobile Europe
Dave Labuda, CEO and founder, MATRIXX Software
Shira Levine, Directing Analyst, Next Gen OSS and Policy, Infonetics

Hear how converged policy management can benefit your organisation

Until now, real-time charging and policy management have been implemented as separate applications. But a business case is emerging to integrate, and potentially even converge, these two functions. To date, stand-alone policy management systems have been effective at policing network bandwidth and throttling users based on preset quotas. But are service providers missing the enormous opportunity that comes with converging this functionality with that of real-time rating and charging?

By converging policy and charging functions, policy decisions can become more valuable to the operator and relevant to the customer. By blending information from the charging application about the subscriber’s pricing, balances, spending and preferences, more intelligent and personalized policies can be created and deployed.

Small telco. Big fraud exposure. Managing fraud with limited resources

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Date: Tuesday, 1 March, 2011
Host: Keith Dyer, Editor, Mobile Europe

Matt Wilkinson, VP of Global On-Demand Solutions, Subex
Thomas Walker, Principal, Business and Solution Consulting, Subex

Telecom fraud losses plague service providers of every size – small, medium and large. These fraud losses are a direct hit to bottom-line and increase communication service provider’s operating costs. The CFCA (Communications Fraud Control Association) Global Fraud Loss Survey (2009) estimates that telcos lose approximately 4.5% of their annual revenues (US $72-80 billion globally) due to fraud.

Particularly in a small telco, there are fewer people and resources available for managing operations efficiently. To add it, license-based solutions for fraud management functions are simply too expensive for small telcos. In spite of these challenges, there is a greater need to manage business efficiently.