HomeAutomation/AIAtos opens Global Delivery Center in Cairo to boost "offshore delivery capability"

Atos opens Global Delivery Center in Cairo to boost “offshore delivery capability”


The hub adds to the Egyptian government’s drive to become a global hub and enabler

Atos has opened a Global Delivery Center (GDC) in Cairo designed to reinforces its presence in the Middle East and Africa and its commitment to regional and global clients. It is expected to “boost its offshore delivery capability” and enable the company “to explore business prospects from the wider region”.

Egypt produces 100,000 IT graduates annually while more than 80% of its young workers are fluent in languages such as Arabic, English, French and German.

Atos will also benefit from “strong support from the Ministry of Communications and IT” for the GDC from which it will offer services ranging from digital workplace to application development, automated testing, project management, analytics and database, mainframe, server and infrastructure support.

Atos in Egypt currently employs 350 IT professionals, but plans to hire another 1,000 employees over the next year, primarily local talent. Atos will extend its premises, training and skill set development and recruit “local resources”.

Egyptian ambitions

Dr Amr Talaat, Egypt’s Minister of Communications and Information Technology endorsed the agreement with Atos which is one of several with 29 multinationals. The intention of these agreements is to create more than 34,000 jobs through 35 global delivery centres with an export value of $1 billion annually.

“These agreements reflect Egypt’s conducive business environment and multinationals’ confidence in our qualified local talent,” the Minister claimed.

Heunderlined Egypt’s potential to become the next big hub for digital and high-end services, thanks to the constant efforts made to boost Egypt’s competitiveness in the offshoring industry: “With its unique central location at the crossroads between three continents, Egypt delivers a resilient high-quality digital infrastructure, and provides a supportive legislative framework catching up with the global rapid growth.

“Our plentiful supply of tech talent is all set and ready at a competitive cost, with proven experience in business services delivery for global firms to more than 100 countries with 20 different languages.”