HomeConvergenceArelion moves closer to converging its IP and optical network layers 

Arelion moves closer to converging its IP and optical network layers 


Converging the wholesale carrier’s IP and optical networks with Cisco will reduce network costs and simplify network management  

Wholesale network operator Arelion, formerly Telia Carrier, has taken another significant step in converging its IP and optical layers after becoming the first global network to deploy Cisco 400G QSFP-DD Bright Optical Modules in its production IP backbone.  

The first deployment spans 675km between Stockholm and Copenhagen over third-party optical open line system (O-OLS). 

Cisco 400G QSFP-DD Bright Optical Modules, with greater than +1 dBm transmit power, simplify integration with brownfield and greenfield deployments, according to the vendor. The streamlined architecture eliminates the need for excessive hardware, thereby reducing potential points of failure. As a result, the vendor claims it can achieve 64% capex and 76% opex savings, due in part to fewer interfaces to control and maintain. 

Arelion has been working with Cisco since December 2020 to converge its IP and optical networking layers using Acacia’s – which Cisco acquired in 2021 – 400G coherent modules that are plugged directly into Cisco routers. Historically, scaling and operating a multi-layer architecture has always been a challenge but routed optical networking spans silicon, optics, and routing systems making network architecture more scalable.  

Starting in the metro, standardised coherent pluggable modules have become the natural step in evolving cost structures, efficiency and scale. Adding support for pluggable 400G optics directly into mass-scale routing platforms allows operators to converge historically complex infrastructure into a simple, single layered architecture.  

Bleeding edge on pluggables 

As an early adopter of 400G pluggable technology, including deploying open line systems and terminal equipment, the telco one of the first network operators to perform full end-to-end validation of the solution. 

Acacia’s 400G QSFP-DD coherent modules, with OIF 400ZR and OpenZR+ operating modes, can support data rates from 100-400G depending on the desired reach. The modules also support client n x 100GbE multiplexing, as well as 400GE transport.   

Last October, Arelion became the first network operator to successfully demonstrate 400G coherent connections between Cisco 8000 and NCS 5700 router platforms over third-party open line system using Bright 400ZR+ QSFP-DD coherent modules supporting high transmit power. 

That trial demonstrated the seamless integration of routed optical networking with DWDM transponders carrying wavelength services on a live fibre route with existing ROADM infrastructure between Hamburg and Copenhagen,  

Through this demonstration of 400G coherent connections, Arelion also demonstrated the interworking on brownfield long-haul applications built with third-party optical line systems. 

Redeploying redundant hardware  

“With constantly rising demand for our IP services and increasing traffic across the Internet, Arelion is constantly looking to deploy the latest technology. The deployment of Cisco 400G QSFP-DD Bright Optical Modules will ensure cost-effective, high-performance connectivity for our customers and help us grow our network in scale as we continue to connect the world,” said Arelion VP network technology & customer operations Dariusz Solowiej. 

“In addition, the coherent pluggable modules also help us achieve our sustainability goals through improved energy efficiency and redeploying redundant hardware assets,” he said.  

“Almost four years ago, Cisco established the mission to redefine the economics of the internet through innovative products and solutions, like routed optical networking. Together, we are helping Arelion achieve impressive cost savings and greater efficiency with Cisco 400G QSFP-DD Bright Optical Modules,” said Cisco SVP and GM, optical systems and optics Bill Gartner. 

Arelion’s network now stretches 70,000 kms across Europe, North America and Asia and offers direct connections to more than 2,500 wholesale customers in more than 125 countries.