    HomeMobile EuropeComScore stats show mobile music glass is 98.1% empty

    ComScore stats show mobile music glass is 98.1% empty


    Under 2% of users dowload music direct to their phone

    Stats from ComScore released today show that across the EU5 countries ComScore tracks (Germany, France, Italy, Spain, UK) about a quarter of mobile users listen to music on their mobile.

    Yet only 1.9% of users download music direct to a music device. Most people listening to music on their phone are listening to music that they have side-loaded from a PC. Of those who have listened to music on their phone, 8% of them have downloaded it direct to their device.

    Is this an indictment of a lost opportunity for mobile operators and music download service providers? Or does it show that there is still a large opportunity out there for operators to exploit?

    One indication that there’s still opportunity is that of those who listen to mobile music, half of them own smartphones – meaning that they would have easier access to in-application or internet-based music services.

    Alistair Hill, senior analyst at comScore, came down on the 1.9% full side of the fence, strongly suggesting that mobile is a great platform for music.

    “The high penetration of smartphones and likelihood to browse shows how ideal this audience is for targeted mobile advertising. The mobile channel offers an opportunity to get in front of consumers at one of their primary access points for music consumption,” he said.