Nokia, Microsoft, Sony Ericsson, the GSMA and much more
Coming towards the end of the first day at Mobile World Congress here in Barcelona, I thought it might useful to aggregate the main stories we have written today. Of course, there’s much more on the site from today, but here are the main headlines for us so far.
Nokia announced two phones at its press conference, and a couple on the quiet, and entered the world of the App Store, upgrading its previous applications download environment….
Microsoft announced an upgrade to its Windows Mobile OS, with some swish new UI features, as well as a good-looking content management/ back up system tieing together PC, Web and mobile content. It also entered the world of the app store, upgrading its previous… well you get the idea.
The GSMA addressed the economic crisis head on by painting a grim picture of the world economy before telling governments that if they want the mobile industry to help out by creating jobs and GDP boosts, they better get on with handing over large chunks of spectrum.
As befits the Monday of the MWC, the GSMA was on top form, with two further announcements on advertising and the rich communications suite.
Sony Ericsson as usual went early, on Sunday evening, with its new brand and content management system, as well as a preview of its new top end phone, scheduled for release in the second half of this year.
Nielsen produced the results of a 50,000 person survey into mobile data habits, courtesy of Tellabs, showing that growth is set across the different sectors.
There were also a slew of handset launches from LG, Samsung and HTC. We couldn’t cover them all today, but look out for a full round-up in our instant Mobile World Congress special review issue of Mobile Europe, due out next Monday.