HomeOn Demand WebinarsStand by your RAN: The value of radio monitoring in modern networks

Stand by your RAN: The value of radio monitoring in modern networks


Date: Wednesday 22 September, 2010. 1-2pm BST.
Host: Keith Dyer, Editor, Mobile Europe
Presenter: Sunil Laroiya, Product Manager, CommProve

With over 80% of people regarding Quality of Service as a high priority factor when choosing service providers, it is clear that the Operator relationship with the customer starts at the RAN.

Various factors can affect this relationship; lack of coverage denying the opportunity to make a connection, poor quality causing the user to hang up, poor throughput while surfing, or dropping a call can all lower the perceived value. How much revenue is lost from these occurrences?

With the increasing complexity of devices and a greater range of uses, the requirements now are not just to optimise to the network, but to the subscriber. This viewpoint can be further segmented by considering the experience of different groups of subscribers e.g. Roamers, Business Accounts, iPhone users. 50% of Roamer revenue at risk or lost has its root cause in the RAN. Identifying where these trouble spots occur can be difficult, especially when then trying to prioritise and compete for valuable budget.

Monitoring makes these decisions for you, giving high level real-time Coverage and QoS information, then allowing swift identification of problems in the network down to the subscriber, combined with user plane analysis and automated tools to diagnose and resolve.  
Find out how you can upgrade to full radio monitoring. How much can you afford to lose?

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