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    Technology alone will not decide the future of Mobile TV, says European Broadcasting Union


    Following the revelation that the EU is to ignore recommendations on mobile TV standards, the European Broadcasting Union (EBU), in response to the report of the European Mobile Broadcasting Council (see News Analysis and Opinion), has emphasised the need for European policy to consider all the issues which will drive the take-up of new digital services, such as mobile television, and said that it is vital for all players to work together.

    The EBU urges the European Commission to take account of the following factors which are crucial to the development of the new services market:
    – interoperability and open standards
    – spectrum
    – content and copyright

    Addressing the issue of interoperability and open standards, and supporting the report of the European Mobile Broadcasting Council, the President of the EBU, Mr Fritz Pleitgen (ARD/WDR) said, “while we continue to support open standards and interoperability, we believe that the pace of technological development precludes the adoption of any one standard for mobile broadcasting at this stage.”

    He went on to say that content is the key to the take up of new technology. “Public service broadcasters provide unique, valuable and diverse content to European audiences today, and should continue to do so in the future. The obstacle of current copyright regimes must be overcome. Europe’s audiences want our content. New devices will not be attractive unless they can show what the audience wants to see”, noted Mr Pleitgen.

    This content for new services can only be delivered if adequate spectrum is allocated to public service broadcasters.

    In conclusion he said, “we are optimistic that the European Commission will continue to work with all industry players to ensure the best outcome for our audiences, and the growth of Europe’s audiovisual markets.”