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    Cheaper and less complex base station design


    The Open Base Station Architecture Initiative (OBSAI), the industry forum of over 40 telecommunications companies creating open specifications for base station architecture, has released  the first OBSAI interface specifications. 

    The aim of producing the specifications for internal interfaces between base station modules is to enable the design and manufacture of non-proprietary modules and components for key base station functions.
    Non-proprietary modules should reduce the development effort and costs traditionally associated with creating new base station product ranges, giving access to a wide range of technologies.
    Jukka Klemettila, chairperson of OBSAI said that having open specifications would help operators overcome the high costs and complexity of bringing advanced mobile services to market.
    “The release of OBSAI’s first specifications marks an important milestone for the industry. Nothing like this has been achieved so far and we believe that this will help the industry face these challenges,” Klemettila said.
    The specifications apply to interfaces between a base station’s control, transport, and base band functions. Currently, a number of OBSAI members are working on implementing products based on these interface specifications.
    According to OBSAI, by 2005 industry-wide adoption of the interface specifications will accelerate the transition towards an open base station module market.
    Howard Bubb, general manager of Intel Communications Group said,  “We are excited about the new business opportunities enabled by specifications such as those developed by OBSAI,” said.
    “OBSAI is an important initiative that helps base station equipment supplier’s focus on the areas where they truly add value, the integration of the components into complex system, yielding increased innovation,” stated Ken Rehbehn, principal analyst, at CurrentAnalysis
    “Availability of two key OBSAI interface specifications is a great milestone, leading to real implementations that benefit ultimately the mobile operators,” he continued.
    Full details can be found from:

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    Open Base Station Architecture Initiative

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