Vodafone on the prowl?
O2 is reported to be on the verge of losing its exclusive deal to sell the iPhone in the UK, it has emerged this week. Vodafone is being touted as the most obvious challenger, following comments made recently by group CEO Vittorio Colao, who said that not being able to offer the iPhone had "penalised" his company.
The report in the Financial Times says that the agreement between Apple and O2 includes a two-year break close. The O2 deal began in November 2007.
The FT stressed that, while O2 will not lose the right to sell the iPhone, Apple has already held talks with one of its rivals about also offering the device from this autumn. Although no final decisions are said to have been taken, at least one of O2's rivals has been in discussions with Apple about the possibility of selling the iPhone this autumn.
Colao admitted last month that the company's UK business was being hurt because it did not sell the iPhone.
O2, Apple and Vodafone refused to comment on the speculation, as have other heavyweight contenders Orange and T-Mobile.