Home5G & Beyond5GIC to underpin Greenwich’s 5G project

5GIC to underpin Greenwich’s 5G project


The UK’s 5G Innovation Centre (5GIC) is to use Greenwich as a test-bed for next generation technology.

A partnership with public sector organisation Digital Greenwich will involve the University of Surrey’s 5GIC providing the technical foundations that will underpin trials and test beds for smart city solutions.

Digital Greenwich will also host a 5G smart city incubator space that will bring together innovators and entrepreneurs to develop transport, mobility, logistics, energy, healthcare and education solutions.

The goal is to deliver “resource efficient, low-carbon, healthy and liveable neighbourhoods within a city”. By using standardised technology, the 5GIC said this would create the opportunity to scale solutions at a larger level.

Professor Rahim Tafazolli, Director of 5GIC and Institute of Communication Systems, said: “Fundamental to next generation Smart City applications is the creation of a robust communications systems. Working with Digital Greenwich will enable the 5GIC to develop solutions targeted at multiple use cases in a city context. The partnership will also provide the foundation to drive standardised solutions for all of the UK to benefit from the technology.”

Adrian Scrase, Chief Technology Officer of ETSI, said: “ETSI produces globally-applicable standards for Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) and welcomes this type of partnership where next generation systems are co-created with the end sectors who will gain the most benefit from the technology. 

“Having Greenwich and Surrey working together will ultimately help to define next generation technology is fit for purpose and can be practically implemented in a real environment.  ETSI looks forward to the results of this partnership being fed back into the standardisation process.”