HomeNewsGSM/3G market update confirms strong mobile broadband gains in 2009 - and...

GSM/3G market update confirms strong mobile broadband gains in 2009 – and a positive outlook


The Global mobile Suppliers Association's (GSA) latest GSM/3G Market Update has highlighted the world's first LTE networks now launched in Sweden and Norway, while the number of operators committed to LTE deployments has doubled in 8 months. 66 operators have committed to HSPA+ deployments with 37 networks now launched, and the number of commercial HSPA networks has more than tripled in 3 years. HSUPA is now commercially launched in 50 countries by almost 100 operators, says the GSA, and the number of HSPA user devices is rapidly growing, reaching 1,875 from approaching 200 suppliers.

Amongst the key points reported in the Market Update, GSA confirms:

    * 315 WCDMA networks have been commercially launched in 132 countries.
WCDMA has achieved over 73% market share of commercial 3G networks with 409 million subscriptions (Q3 09 – including HSPA)
    * Over 96% of WCDMA networks have enabled HSPA
    * HSPA mobile broadband service is now commercially available on 303 networks in 130 countries
    * There are 167 million HSPA subscribers worldwide (Q2 09)
    * Over 52% of commercial HSPA networks are capable of peak downlink data speeds of 7.2 Mbps or higher
    * HSUPA is commercially available on 96 networks in 50 countries
    * 197 suppliers have launched 1,875 HSPA devices in the market
    * 66 operators have committed to HSPA Evolution (HSPA+) including 37
HSPA+ networks commercially launched in 24 countries (34 networks
HSPA+ support
peak downlink data speed of 21 Mbps, and 3 networks support 28 Mbps)
    * 51 operators have committed to LTE deployments in 24 countries
    * The world's first LTE networks were launched by TeliaSonera in Sweden and Norway on December 15, 2009
    * Up to 19 LTE networks are expected to be commercially launched by the end of 2010
    * The number of GSM and WCDMA-HSPA subscriptions passed 4 billion worldwide during October 2009, achieving another historic milestone for the mobile industry. It means that the GSM/WCDMA-HSPA family of systems has gained almost 90% market share of all mobile technologies globally, and continues to gain
    * The BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India and China) together total over 1.38 billion subscriptions (Q3 09)
    * Spectrum re-farming in the 900 MHz band has established a strong momentum. Fourteen UMTS900 HSPA networks are commercially launched worldwide, supported by 208 user devices launched in the market
    * Political debate on the Digital Dividend has entered the mainstream in most regions of the world. An increasing number of governments have committed to using Digital Dividend spectrum for mobile broadband services, or have initiated consultations on future spectrum use.


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