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Searching for growth beyond voice


Asian operators under pressure

The number of participants in the Asian mobile market continues to increase unabatedly. Driven by the persistent interest in new mobile services, modern handsets and other services, price and performance pressure on network operators is also increasing. Rarely do new offers at the same time generate significant revenues. Too often the contrary is the case: fast mobile data traffics, attractive web-based services, mobile broadband, etc. are at the top of wish lists of end consumers and force network operators to do massive investments on their part into new stable and high-performance infrastructure. In the context of flat-rates that are ruinous in part and customer behaviour that is changing in high gear, real-time based solutions are required in particular in order to be in a position to profitably make use of and enhance competitive edges.

Leading network operators in dialogue with Orga Systems
Both real-time based, fully convergent approaches and results from other mobile markets were the main topics in the dialogues between leading Asian network operators and real-time expert Orga Systems at the occasion of the Next Generation Telecoms Summit in Singapore. The more than 15-year long experience with real-time based billing systems for tier 1 operators and the successful support of service providers in price-intensive growth markets have gained recognition among analysts and decision-makers long since. Therefore, leading representatives of the industry from the APAC region called for targeted answers to the question of correlations and results between dynamic market requirements on the one hand and profitability on the other hand.

The strategic approach suggested by Orga Systems was able to convince them: with highly scalable and extremely reliable real-time based billing systems, the fundamental foundation is laid in order to launch additional mobile services efficiently, to monitor results, to enable the end-consumers to have full cost transparency and access to new services. In short, to actively the shape market.


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