HomeNewsHuawei and Telecom Italia complete Italy’s first LTE test

Huawei and Telecom Italia complete Italy’s first LTE test


Huawei has announced the completion of a joint LTE (Long Term Evolution) test with Telecom Italia (TI). Using 14 LTE cells on the existing mobile broadband infrastructure in Turin, the test claimed to successfully showcase a downlink speed of over 140Mb/s per cell, demonstrated by three simultaneous connections.

This high transmission capability will allow new services on the next-generation mobile broadband networks, such as high definition video calling.

Mr. Sandro Dionisi, Head of TILab said, "This first technical trial with Huawei represents a very important milestone in the development of the network technology LTE/SAE in line with the future goals of Telecom Italia. The results reached so far reinforce our partnership with Huawei and our joint commitment in deploying the LTE technology that will continue also next year. "

"This demonstration reflects our commitment to accelerating LTE commercialization and to realizing seamless end-to-end mobile broadband connectivity though continued investment in this technology," said David Wang, Managing Director of Huawei Italy.


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