    HomeNewsNokia and Telecom Italia in messaging deal

    Nokia and Telecom Italia in messaging deal


    Nokia and Telecom Italia announced today that Nokia Messaging is to be offered to Telecom Italia customers in Italy. From the middle of September, Telecom Italia customers will be able to access the Nokia Messaging push email service and subscribe to offers designed to send and receive email from a mobile phone at 'very affordable prices'.
    With the new offering MAXXI Mail, all TIM customers will have 1 GB of storage a month to check their email while on the move at a cost of EUR 4 per month including VAT. The offer is valid for both prepaid as well as the ones who have a contract.
    For business customers, Telecom Italia says it has studied various formulas and made available various pricing plans: from the one at daily usage for EUR 1 a day, dedicated to those who use email "on the move" just occasionally, to a monthly subscription.
    "This agreement contributes to the evolution of the mobile phone that will increasingly be a tool to access one's ecosystem of private, family and professional content. TIM believes in this evolution and wants to experience it alongside its customers," said Oscar Cicchetti, Head of Domestic Market in Telecom Italia.
    "With this service, Nokia and Telecom Italia join forces to drive mobile messaging adoption for their customers using Nokia solutions and Telecom Italia special data plans. We are glad to satisfy the growing consumer demand to access email accounts directly from the device whenever they want, wherever they are. The objective is to bring mobile email to everyone and make it easily accessible to the largest number of users possible," said Alessandro Mondini Branzi, General Manager, Nokia Italia.