    HomeNewsWIN offers Twitter update via SMS service

    WIN offers Twitter update via SMS service


    WIN, a provider of interactive mobile entertainment and information services, today announced that its Enterprise Platform is claiming to be the first to offer text message to ‘Tweet' conversion. 

    Organisations using the WIN platform will now be able to offer customers the choice of texting a ‘Tweet' which will be automatically posted to one or more Twitter feeds in addition to other mediums of choice. The Twitter feed will therefore provide a point of interaction for all customers presenting the organisation with a single customer view.

    The service is claimed to have been used extremely successfully at a number of recent mashup events where a ‘video wall' displays questions and observations received directly from the audience (both inside the room and those following on the web) live to the debate and discussion.  Questions posed by event attendees and the online audience, by text are sent to a specific number which converts the text to a ‘Tweet' which is then posted to the event Twitter feed and the video wall.  Twitter users can post to the same video wall using a designated # tag.

    Announcing the service, WIN CEO Graham Rivers said: "Twitter is a global phenomenon. With an estimated 10 million users world wide it is the fastest growing social network and one of the best ways for organisations to interact with specific audiences. The service, which integrates seamlessly with existing systems, provides a new and exciting channel for organisations to interact with its customers."

    Rivers continues: "This latest addition to our Enterprise Platform is part of our ongoing efforts to help organisations to effortlessly communicate and ultimately interact with customers across a variety of different mediums."

    Tony Fish Co-founder of mashup* says "WIN have been a long term supporter of mashup with the provision of their enterprise SMS service. Incorporating Twitter is a fantastic addition to the overall WIN offering for enterprise customers."