    HomeNewsActix releases new RAN benchmarking solution for CTO, CMO, CEO

    Actix releases new RAN benchmarking solution for CTO, CMO, CEO


    Actix, a specialist in Network Status Management (NSM) solutions and RAN optimisation, has announced the release of an entirely new RAN benchmarking solution that can be used by a wide variety of managers with different requirements to gain insights into how their mobile network is performing.

    Based on the Actix One NSM platform, the new RAN benchmarking solution, which has already been purchased by a major international mobile operator, enables consolidation of all benchmarking data into one central system, and allows numerous reports to be generated for competitive and comparative situations.

    One of the key innovations of the new Actix solution is the ability to allow different internal management teams to gain access to benchmarking information necessary for their particular use case, without disturbing more technical areas of the business. Hence, a CTO can gain full reports on technical aspects of his network performance, while the CMO can now directly access suitable reports that compare geographical service variations and the tuning of marketing efforts to differentiate accordingly. CEO's can also get direct access to reports on network status, delivered directly over the web to an iPhone. These capabilities are available in near real time – as soon as new measurements are delivered they are immediately available across the entire organisation.

    ‘We're taking an essential activity that has traditionally caused a lot of pain and making it easy," said Chris Larmour, CMO, Actix. "In some cases operators can wait literally an entire quarter to get the latest benchmarking results – three months during which they have competitive issues but don't realise and cannot respond. This also means that any actions they take are already long out of date. Sharing the latest data immediately, across the entire organisation, in a way that makes sense and meets the needs of different management teams allows rapid reaction and a new source of competitive advantage, better differentiation and increased customer satisfaction."

    Actix works closely with all major benchmarking hardware providers, including for example Swissqual, allowing interfacing to any legacy data collection systems. The new Actix One based benchmarking system includes data validation, report generation, problem area identification, prioritisation and even technical diagnosis.