At the Mobile World Congress, Accumulate is launching its new mobile technology platform – Mobile Everywhere (ME). The platform is based on patented technology that enables new payment and identification solutions on the mobile device. The first product to be released from the Accumulate ME-platform is Check ME, which extends security and control features of the mobile phone, so that consumers can comfortably conduct credit card transactions over their device.
"When online fraud increases, it hinders business opportunities. With the Accumulate ME-platform, card issuers and online shop owners can increase their business while greatly minimizing the fear many end-users have when using credit cards for online transactions", says Stefan Hultberg, CEO of Accumulate.
Check ME is based on the ME-platform and secures online credit card transactions using the mobile to verify and authenticate the user. Customers are typically credit card issuers such as banks. Key benefits are:
a.. Mobile is always with you – increasing accessibility
b.. As secure as token generators – eliminates need for extra device
c.. No external storage of credit card data
d.. Works with almost every mobile phone
e.. Easy to use
An example Check ME's usage: A consumer makes a credit card purchase online, and authenticates her identity with a pin code provided to her via Check ME on her mobile.
"The launch of the ME-platform and Check ME will be followed by additional new, innovative and cost-effective identification and payment services using the ever present mobile phone", says Stefan Hultberg.
ME-platform – the technology
The core components of the ME-platform consist of a mobile client that is distributed to users and a back-end transaction server system. The ME-platform offers 3D security and uses a standard mobile phone as a security device, making truly secure authentication accessible for the masses.
For each transaction two separate lines of communication are established – simultaneously – between the customer and the service provider, using two different communication systems: the mobile phone and computer-to-computer communication via the Internet. The end users use their regular computer and standard cellular phone. The service provider sends encrypted information – and receives encrypted reconfirmation – using their web server, and an external transaction service.
The ME-platform products currently work on all major mobile platforms including Android, Blackberry, iPhone, Java, Linux, Nokia Series 40/60 and Windows Mobile.