    HomeNewsGSA confirms 313 EDGE networks launched worldwide; 34 countries added in past...

    GSA confirms 313 EDGE networks launched worldwide; 34 countries added in past year


    The latest survey of GSM/EDGE network deployments by GSA, the Global mobile Suppliers Association, is said to highlight the continuing expansion of GSM/EDGE networks and services across the globe. The survey results are summarized in a new EDGE Fact Sheet, confirming that EDGE networks are now commercially launched in 147 countries, compared to 113 countries in May 2007.

    EDGE is now widely available throughout Africa, the Americas, Asia, Europe and the Middle East. For example, EDGE is now available in several new markets in Africa. Throughout the world, many operators have made significant investments to enhance the capacity and coverage of existing networks, often extending EDGE capabilities to their full GSM coverage area.

    The GSA survey identified 363 EDGE network commitments in 165 countries (May
    2007 = 287 commitments, 142 countries), including 313 EDGE commercial network launches in 147 countries (May 2007 = 223 launches, 113 countries).

    A major driver for EDGE deployments is the capability provided to network operators to offer high speed Internet access to their customers. Over 60% of HSPA (High Speed Packet Access) network operators have also deployed EDGE for service continuity and the best user experience of mobile broadband services.

    GSM/EDGE, a software enhancement to GPRS networks, is a mature global technology supported by a well developed ecosystem. The number of EDGE enabled user devices, including phones and PC datacards/modems, is estimated to have more than doubled in the same period to over 1,200 products now launched. The first commercial EDGE network was launched in June 2003. Over 75% of GPRS operators have since committed to the EDGE enhancement, delivering significant data traffic and revenue growth.