HomeNewsAIRCOM adds new features to ASSETShare tool

AIRCOM adds new features to ASSETShare tool


AIRCOM International, the independent mobile network planning and optimisation consultancy, has added new features to its ASSETShare network planning tool.  The features will further help mobile network operators match their CAPEX and OPEX constraints against the network performance and design, whilst improving performance for those considering sharing their networks with other operators. 
Network sharing is a growing trend in the mobile industry as operators combine their network resources to to reduce OPEX and CAPEX cost by maximising their existing infrastructure investment.  With numorous possible ways of achieving network sharing, operators who are merging their networks need to find the best possible way of saving costs without compromising the performance or quality of service to their customers.
Each operator has different technical and network design criteria to consider. An optimised shared network has many possible design permutations, according to the parameters set down by the operator.  New features added to ASSETShare solve this 'multiple design' dilemma and help operators deal with and objectively assess each possible design outcome from an RF and transmission backhaul perspective. This would normally take entire departments months to work through the various "what if" scenarios; with the introduction of AIRCOM's ASSETShare, these complex cross-department permutations can be completed more accurately and with fewer people.
Commenting on the new ASSETShare features, Margaret Rice-Jones, CEO of AIRCOM said, "In discussions with our operator customers,  flexibility over network performance criteria and the ability to deliver cost savings emerged as key requirements for those who are looking at network sharing."
"With the updates to ASSETShare, we deliver these key requirements, which in turn deliver benefits in terms of cost-saving, greater flexibility and a faster decision-making process – benefits which the operator can pass to the subscriber, in terms of lower tariff costs and improved quality of service."
One of the often overlooked requirements in network sharing is the impact on the transmission network when considering which sites to share. ASSETShare's new transmission optimisation module allows the user to add the backhaul elements of both parties into the equation. This capability allows ASSETShare to evaluate the impact on backhaul as part of the overall site coverage equation, significantly improving the overall CAPEX and OPEX savings.
ASSETShare can now also accurately assess the costs for meeting a variety of different business requirements identified by the operators for their network – such as minimum coverage levels or a maximum cost figure for network overheads.
This improved flexibility allows operators to input specific criteria that they consider a priority for their network sharing arrangement. They can then use the results generated by ASSETShare to make an informed business decision for their shared network model, rather than simply being handed a single recommendation to follow.
ASSETShare already incorporates a range of advanced tools that provide valuable integrated support in the areas of network planning, optimisation, configuration and performance management.


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