HomeNewsSFR adopts Streamezzo's software platform to power new rich media portal

SFR adopts Streamezzo’s software platform to power new rich media portal


Streamezzo, provider of rich media software solutions and platforms for mobile devices, has announced that SFR, the leading 3G mobile operator in France, has partnered with Streamezzo to provide the software infrastructure for Vodafone live! 2.0 – its newly designed rich media portal interface.

Vodafone live! 2.0 is a next generation interactive portal service offering subscribers an access to Vodafone Live! – the well-known WAP-based portal service offered to SFR via an optimized rich media interface.  Vodafone Live! 2.0 offers dramatically improved levels of interactivity, with an intuitive interface for streamlined navigation. Vodafone Live! 2.0 offers simplified access to most content and a level of simplicity and interactivity on par with PC operating systems.

The Vodafone live! 2.0 service offers subscribers access to a large array of multimedia services, and especially allows to watch TV, to download and listen to music, to read general and sports news, to access chats and blogs services, to download games and offers personal customization capabilities. SFR's primary goal in developing the service was to leverage the intuitive, yet advanced rich media features enabled by Streamezzo's platform to encourage increased utilization of an extensive array of exciting new services designed for mobile devices.

"The entire mobile industry continues to wrestle with competing standards or a lack of standards, and the subscriber bears the brunt of the pain from these issues," said Pierre-Emmanuel Struyven, CMO for Streamezzo.  "Our goal is to eliminate these inconsistencies with an end-to-end software suite that brings PC-like functionality and simplicity to the mobile phone in such as way that the technical issues and complexities are completely transparent to the user.  We have worked hard to bring this philosophy and this seamless functionality to SFR's Vodafone live! subscribers."


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