HomeNewsVolantis enhances content deployment for O2

Volantis enhances content deployment for O2


FT.com secured as first customer 

Volantis, the leading supplier of Intelligent Content Adaptation solutions for the mobile Internet, has announced the launch of i-mode Express for O2, a service to help content providers deploy mobile services on O2’s upcoming i-mode platform, scheduled to launch in the UK and Ireland later this year and in Germany next spring.

i-mode Express builds on Volantis’ extensive experience of deploying i-mode services for major brands in France, Spain and Benelux. The service is available immediately for brands wanting to deliver mobile services on O2’s i-mode platform. FT.com is the first customer to sign up for the new package.

i-mode is the world’s most popular mobile Internet platform with 45 million users worldwide. Unlike any other service in the UK, i-mode will deliver the nearest thing to true Internet access through mobile devices – enabling users to access independent web-based resources owned and managed by content providers, not the network operator. This combination of power and flexibility for users and new business model for content providers will make i-mode an important and vibrant new mobile technology for the UK.

Grahame Riddell, Head of i-mode Marketing for O2 UK, said: “We are pleased to be working with Volantis to offer its i-mode Express service to our content providers. The company is world class at delivering powerful and compelling
i-mode solutions across Europe for some of the biggest brands. This service will help our content providers to deploy better and faster services for i-mode when we launch later this year.”

Deploying i-mode services presents significant opportunities for content providers. However, in order to realise these benefits content providers need to understand some of the fundamental differences in developing for i-mode rather than traditional WAP sites.

Some of these differences include:

i-mode has a much richer user interface with stringent style guidelines. For example, i-mode pages typically are composed of multiple colours, font styles and emojiis (special characters pre-built into the handsets) and must adhere to a defined page layout structure and page size to ensure sites are fast and intuitive. These guidelines ensure that customers can enjoy the same quality of service whatever i-mode handset they are using, something not currently offered by WAP.

An enhanced Java implementation gives provider’s more control over applications, and more space to work in. In Japan, i-mode applications can now use 500k from Java memory, allowing content providers to publish applications equivalent to Playstation1 games.

Billing is subscription-based rather than ‘pay per event’ and requires every content provider to maintain a sophisticated user database which automatically reconciles with the operator.

i-mode provides for the first time the same security encryption as the fixed Internet for creating secure transactional sites, ideal for things like banking.
The i-mode browser provides automatic go-back functions, full application access to standby screens and live two-way communications with servers to keep users engaged.

i-mode does not use the usual mark up languages but is based on c-html and therefore is a language accessible to any developer with web experience.

Steven Trew, Head of Mobile Services for the FT, said: “Volantis has delivered FT.com’s successful mobile service for quite some time. With their experience of building and deploying large i-mode sites for big brands in other countries, it was an easy decision to ask Volantis to extend our mobile service to i-mode on O2.”

Ian Meakin, VP Marketing, Volantis, concluded: “With our proven experience and deployments, we understand the significant nuances that i-mode presents and have the proven technology, services and templates that make i-mode deployments relatively simple for organisations that are new to it. O2 i-mode is an exciting proposition for consumers and we can help content providers quickly establish a presence on this platform.”


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