HomeNewsFourway antenna for handsets

Fourway antenna for handsets


Antenna developer Antenova has just unveiled its quadband QUADNOVA antenna for cellular handsets, smartphones and PDA applications.

The QUADNOVA covers the AMPS 800, GSM 900, DCS 1800 and PCS 1900 bands and is suitable for Asia, European and American (CDMA/TDMA 800 and 1900) handsets, smartphones and PDA applications. With a volume of less than 3.5cc, this antenna is the smallest quadband in the World and offers over 50% average terminal radiation efficiency over all four bands. The QUADNOVA is a hybrid solution with a combination of ceramic and PIFA (Planar Inverted F Antenna) technology and can be customised to suit individual customer requirements.  The QUADNOVA has superb detuning characteristics thanks to the properties of Antenova’s HDA (High Dielectric Antenna) technology and because of this, components can be placed close to the antenna and will have less interference than conventional technology.

As handsets get smaller and the functionality gets greater there is real pressure on handset designers to fit more components into an ever reducing space.  Because of the small size of Antenova’s antenna it can fit into all sizes of mobile phones, offering the ability to just use one component for all models (including dualband and triband models), and thus reducing tooling costs and cutting development costs significantly.

“A conventional quadband antenna with similar performance will need about twice the volume, making the QUADNOVA the smallest and highest performing solution in its class”, says Greg McCray, CEO of Antenova.

Antenova also unveiled its 3G TRINOVA antenna covering the GSM 900, GCS 1800, PCS 1900, WCDMA 2100 and UMTS(3G) bands.  Antenova can also offer GPS and BluetoothTM variations.

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