    HomeInsightsTweakker takes customer care to the air

    Tweakker takes customer care to the air


    Makes API available to content providers and operators

    Mobile internet connectivity company Tweakker is making an Over-the-Air (OTA) API to its customer care service available to service providers and operators.

    The company, which provides configuration settings to users over the air, is marketing the API to mobile operators and content and service providers as a way of boosting mobile internet usage amongst their customers and at the same time reducing customer care costs.
    Tue Schandorff, CEO, told Mobile Europe, “Other mobile device management companies require high levels of integration into the SMSCs, into the customer care database etc Our API enables operators to use our database for getting their settings to the customers.”
    Schandorff said that a service provider such as Google could use the service to send a WAP push link to a customer, instead of requiring users to manually enter details to access settings.
    It is thought that smartphones tend to drive longer calls to customer care centres, but Schandorff added that feature phone users could also be unlocked as users of mobile internet-based services.
    Tweakker said that the cost of using the API service is fixed at $0.50 cents per customer. “Take a service provider with 1million customers, for example. If 10% need OTA customer care each year, the provider could save up to $1million each year increasing margins by one dollar per customer,” a statement from Tweakker claimed.
