Vision for the European mobile industry
The GSMA published its Mobile Manifesto last week.
The manifesto combines a series of commitments from the mobile industry with a list of recommendations for the EC. We publish them below, so you can see precisely what is on the GSMA’s mind.
Note the concerns about spectrum, about security and network management, and about the stimulation of demand in user markets.
For its part, the GSMA promises the mobile industry will do the following:
To facilitate the provision of mobile broadband to the entire EU population the mobile industry will seek to:
Collaborate with governments and fixed line operators to expand mobile broadband provision, in line with demand, with the aim of achieving ~98% population coverage at 1-2Mb
Collaborate with fixed line providers regarding fixed NGA infrastructure to support mobile backhaul
Mobile will seek to:
Work with the European Commission to put in place a long term strategy for
mobile use in healthcare, to provide confidence around investment for
national health authorities
Work with governments to develop standards for the delivery of core
healthcare services such as prescription provision to mobiles and appointment reminders
To ensure that both government and mobile can achieve these benefits, the industry will:
Work with governments to enable eGovernment services to be optimised for mobile
Work with governments to develop mobile-based feedback systems for use in relation to public services
Support research into how mobile can help engage voters in the democratic process
Specifically mobile will:
Engage with global stakeholders (device manufacturers, SIM manufacturers, operating system developers, application developers, vendors and online service providers) to establish common standards, business practices and tools to protect data privacy. These principles and tools should be considered in the design and build of all new hardware, software and applications
Engage with these stakeholders on specific tools to allow parents to protect children online and on mobile
Engage with ENISA to raise consumer awareness of the challenges of the always-on environment
Collaborate with the Spanish Presidency to include mobile privacy aspects in the Declaration of User’s Rights
And in return? The GSMA is looking for the following from the EC.
To achieve this Manifesto, and create the positive impacts identified, the industry needs:
More spectrum – develop a harmonised roadmap for release
Roll-out support – remove barriers to eco-efficient coverage expansion
Demand stimulation – be pro-mobile in public services, utilities and infrastructure
Consumer education – promote user responsibility for online data and security
Network management – continued flexibility to preserve choice and quality of service
The GSMA says that to achieve these goals the EC needs to do a range of things to support the industry.
The EC should accelerate the harmonised deployment of available spectrum (including the 790-862MHz band) across all member states to facilitate a smooth transition to next generation mobile, universality and competition.
The EC should review spectrum usage and future requirements of mobile and non-mobile applications, working with the ITU where appropriate, covering availability, technology choices and timelines. National regulatory authorities should put in place mechanisms to incentivise efficient usage.
The EC should encourage member state governments to review and streamline country and town planning procedures to facilitate faster and wider roll-out of mobile broadband. Frameworks should also be put in place at a national level for specific exemptions, and/or public-private investment, for eco-efficient towers and masts.
The EC should ensure that policies for electromagnetic fields are consistent with World Health Organisation recommendations.
The EC should encourage commercially-based infrastructure sharing, where it is technically feasible, to promote energy and cost efficiency.
The EC should set targets for getting government services online across member states and ensure that all (existing and new) eGovernment services are mobile enabled.
The EC should set targets for getting health and education services online across member states and ensure that all (existing and new) ePublic Services are mobile enabled.
Member state governments should incorporate ICT into utility and infrastructure policies, recognising the role mobile can play in areas such as smart grids and traffic management. Specifically, it should also support the role of mobile and other existing, standardised wireless networks in M2M solutions.
The EC should develop EU-wide energy efficiency and smart building policies for homes and offices to stimulate demand, and lead in this area by implementing ‘smart’ technology in its own buildings. They should also support consumer educational and marketing efforts to bring about behavioural changes to maximise the impact of M2M embedded technologies.
The EC should collaborate with stakeholders (device manufacturers, SIM manufacturers, operating system developers, application developers, vendors and online service providers) to understand the privacy and security challenges of mobile broadband, and help to raise consumer awareness. The EC should help redefine a sustainable relationship between users and suppliers of digital services, such that users assume responsibility for the privacy and security of their data online and suppliers provide tools to help them manage this.
The EC should consolidate the numerous fragmented programmes within the EU looking at the issues of privacy, identity, trust and safety, and it needs to be drive consistency in the interpretation and application of privacy laws.
The EC should continue to support operators employing ‘reasonable’ network management and managing dynamic traffic patterns.
That, we thought, was quite a list. So what was the purpose of producing such a wide-ranging document? And why now? And is there an indication that in calling for support in certain areas the GSMA is revealing concerns about the regulatory and legislative environment?
We put some of these questions to the GSMA, and repeat the answers in full, because we think they are worth it – and also so you can judge for yourselves what is going on here.
ME: What is the purpose of the manifesto, does it represent a thawing of relations with the EC and Commissioner Reding after some high profile disagreements? Was there a need within the GSMA to pull together several existing strands and commitments to demonstrate the advantages of mobile in a more forceful manner?
GSMA: Europe has set itself stiff challenges to 2015. It will need investment to drive growth and employment. It needs innovation to deal with climate change, an aging population and digital exclusion. And it needs to exploit its scale by creating a cohesive single market. Mobile technologies can help Europe deal with these challenges.
The 2015 Mobile Manifesto outlines how the Mobile Industry in Europe can support the European Commission’s ICT objectives around economic prosperity, social inclusion and eco-efficiency. The Industry hopes to show how, by working together, mobile can make a considerable contribution to the lives of European citizens and the economic performance of the region through social inclusion and continued investment in innovation.
As well as specific EU policy asks, the mobile industry has committed to work with a number of public and industry bodies, as well as the European Commission itself, on areas such as eHealthcare, eLearning and eGovernment, the environment, and mobile broadband provision.
The effects of these commitments will be very real. Calculations show that teleworking can reduce carbon emissions by 22.1 MtCO2e a year, or energy savings of €7.7bn by 2015. In mHealth, calculations show a saving of up to €78bn by 2015. And increasing connectivity means greater productivity, and this is estimated to add an aggregate of up to an additional €349bn (or 2.9% of EU GDP) by 2015. Overall, initial estimates highlighted in the Manifesto show that the industry could add €340bn to €750bn to the EU economy by 2015.
Commissioner Reding has seen and supports our Manifesto. In a statement she said “The manifesto gives a very good insight in the key role mobile will play in European society – if we take the right measures now.
Did the GSMA feel that mobile’s contribution to European society and economy was in danger of being undervalued, and therefore under-served in ongoing regulation and guidelines?
No, not at all. The industry believes it can play a leading role in getting Europe out of recession by investing in critical carbon lean infrastructure. The mobile communications sector is incredibly strong; it represents 1.3% of EU Gross Value Added, 1.2% of EU GDP, and employs over 600,000 people. The Manifesto itself is backed by ten leading operators, including Vodafone, Telefonica, Telecom Italia, T-Mobile and Orange, and outlines a number of common-sense, practical policy “asks”. These support both aims of helping the sector to continue to develop, and helping the EU achieve its ICT objectives. The industry believes it is the best interests of all stakeholders that an enabling regulatory framework is in place so that the industry's potential is maximized. Sensible regulation is important to providing consistency, accountability and a roadmap for future development.
Why is there a need to ensure that targets for “mobile enabled” government, healthcare and other services are set? If the use case and advantages are as compelling as described, then won’t the market decide? The GSMA is usually open in calling for regulators to allow the mobile industry to develop in accordance with market forces – and without interference.
The figures outlined in these areas in the Manifesto are not targets as such, more an illustration of what can be achieved if the mobile industry acts in conjunction with the EU and other bodies such as education authorities, health services etc. While market forces will ultimately decide, we are asking the EC to consider the illustrations in the Manifesto and support our policy asks to achieve these goals – which will ultimately prove beneficial to the entire European community. In these cases, the EC policy asks are around stimulating demand – we ask that the EC “be pro-mobile in public services, utilities and infrastructure.”
ME comment: The manifesto certainly calls for targets (rather than setting them). See the following recommendations.
"The EC should set targets for getting government services online across member states and ensure that all (existing and new) eGovernment services are mobile enabled."
"The EC should set targets for getting health and education services online across member states and ensure that all (existing and new) ePublic Services are mobile enabled"
Is there a concern that mobile broadband is going to open up a high level security danger to users? And should the onus on education and management not fall with the industry that provides the services, rather than Government/ EC?
The potential for mobile broadband out-of-home usage and in-home coverage is significant. Calculations in the Manifesto show that even in the base case, the productivity impact between 2010 and 2015 could be as much as €226 billion.
The issues around security are ones that can and should be addressed by both the mobile industry and governments/EC. In the Manifesto, we state that the mobile industry should “Engage with…device manufacturers, SIM manufacturers, operating system developers, application developers, vendors and online service providers to establish common standards, business practices and tools to protect data privacy.” The Manifesto also asks that the EC engages with those stakeholders in a similar way in order to understand the privacy and security challenges of mobile broadband, and help to raise consumer awareness. In addition, a plethora of programmes exist across the EU related to privacy, identity, trust and safety, each with their aims and recommendations. To create a consistent, coherent and sustainable framework, the EC needs to bring these together.
The demand for support for “reasonable” network management seems to speak to concerns around privacy and net neutrality. Does the GSMA think that this is going to become an area of concern for legislators in Europe as mobile broadband usage increases, giving operators traffic and policy management headaches.
Net neutrality means different things to different people and it is yet to be fully defined in each region globally. The key principle of net neutrality is open and fair access to the internet. The main issue for mobile operators is to be able to manage and maintain the quality and experience their customers have come to expect across all services they provide, both real-time and near real-time. To do this, sensible and responsible traffic management is required. The GSMA and its members will support legislation that enables mobile service providers to effectively and intelligently manage the traffic on their networks.