NSN adds IP capability to NetAct product – attracts scepticism
Nokia Siemens Networks has added MPLS and IP domain capability to its NetAct network management system, in a bid to enable operators to support end to end configuration of multi-vendor and multi-layer networks.
A deal with EMC Corporation means that EMC Smarts, an automated IT management solution, is being added as a component to NetAct.
Juhani Hintikka, Head of Operations and Business Software Business Unit, Nokia Siemens Networks, told Mobile Europe that operators need a single solution that enables them to configure their networks across all the multiple layers and domains that they operate. EMC's Smarts product adds the IP skills to Nokia's solutions.
Increasing network complexity, allied to a squeeze on revenues and growth in traffic, means that operators are caught in a vice. But by consolidating their network-specific management and fault management systems into a harmonized network management system, they can reduce annual opex by up to 80%, he claimed, whilst supporting demand for IP services and increased IP network utilisation.
The issue of providing assurance, performance management and network configuration across IP and TDM networks, as well as into the service and application layers, is one that mobile operators are now having to address in earnest, as IP service growth drives the need for investment in core and IP access networks.
IP network assurance and fault management experts are addressing the market from their perspective, but NSN’s view is that harmonising transport configuration management, including extension into backhaul, is essential to operators’ efficiency.
Hintikka said that NSN was well-placed to drive this harmonization as it is “number one” in this OSS space, and has broad experience of managing multi-vendor networks on behalf of its clients.
But others were less convinced.
"Smarts is a good solution, and we respect it," one competitor told us, "but who really views Nokia as vendor-independent. You're only going to buy the whole OSS thing from NSN if you are a major equipment purchaser as well."
Two years ago Nokia said it was adding IP capability by announcing a plan to work with Cisco on Joint Management Platform. "Ask them what happened to that," our source said. "The simple fact is Nokia Siemens might have multi-vendor capability but not multi-domain."