HomeInsightsMovidilo moves on European market

Movidilo moves on European market


Customer care boost

Mobile operators could save millions of Euros a year, as well as generating additional millions, by implementing a client-server solution that blends voice and text input, allied to intelligent database enquiry, to improve the user experience.

Martin Gossling, vp business development for Movidilo, a subsidiary of Spanish company Ydilo, told Mobile Europe that the company’s blend of an intuitive UI, along with advanced database interrogation, has automated response to 85% of one Spanish operators’ customer care calls. With the average cost to the operator of a Movidilo enquiry standing at €3, the savings have been rapid, and sizeable, he said.

Movidilo, which developed its core technology three years ago, has been deployed in Spain with Telefonica, Orange and Vodafone, Gossling said, and is in talks with UK operators at present. The company has recently added voice input to its inteface, in version 3.6 of its media self-service platform.

Movidilo uses Ydilo’s technology to allow users to voice their own query, rather than react to a typical IVR voice menu, By predicting user behaviour, the system can produce a range of options targeted to that enquiry.

Although initial usage has been in the customer care environment, Gossling said that there is great potential in two other areas – mobile marketing and what Movidilo terms “search and fun.”

In the latter example, Movidilo’s technology can be integrated with existing ODPs, or even deployed in its own right, to drive more intuitive usage of search functionality as well as content discovery, rather than providing the user with successive drop down venues and lengthy text input.

He claimed that one Spanish operator had experienced  “double digit” increases in revenue since deploying the technology.

For mobile marketing, the client allows a brand or campaign to push content to users in a mobile optimized way. The technology can also be offered to banks and other parties with large databases, as well as to the mobile operators themselves, Gossling said,

The client will work with any MIDP phone, and can be downloaded to the phone following customer contact to a care centre, or similar, Gossling said, or contact to a brand or campaign. At the moment, with TV and poster campaigns, it is very hard to drive that click from the mobile phone. This solves that problem, he said.

“For customer care the ROI is almost instantaneous,” Gossling said, “and in terms of additional revenue we believe operators will see a return on their investment in three months.


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