HomeInsightsGeitner's work done at Vodafone

Geitner’s work done at Vodafone


Ex-cto and “IP” guy to leave

Vodafone is reorganising again. This time it is deconstructing its New Business unit, which it only instituted earlier this year, and getting rid of Thomas Geitner, who was asked to run it.

The new business unit at Vodafone was the one responsible for all the “Mobile Plus” stuff the operator has been getting excited about — ie fixed broadband and IP services.

But now the mobile plus strategy will be delivered within Vodafone’s European Region and operating companies, rather than by the separate New Business unit. A separate Group Strategy and New Business function is being created to identify new business opportunities and partnerships.

Geitner has a role in neither of these, so he’s off. There is no word yet from Vodafone on who will lead what remains of the strategy unit.

From the outside, it looks as if the operator has decided that it has now got to the stage where enough development has been done on its Vodafone At Home, Vodafone Office and Broadband products, and it is now time to start delivering them through its operating companies.

That’s the positive interpretation, anyway.


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