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Yet more change at Vodafone


CTO job goes to Nortel veteran

Vodafone has brought Nortel’s EMEA president in as CTO, replacing Tim Miles, who is being sent back to New Zealand after only a few weeks in the job.

Pusey has held a series of posts within Nortel over the past 24 years, most recently as EMEA vp. He will join Vodafone on 1 September.

Of interest to market-watchers will be Pusey’s general experience in both fixed and wireless networks, and focus on enteprise solutions and products. As Vodafone faces a tough time in mobil data, it has made no secret of its intention to exploit more fixed mobile convergence solutions.

His position at Nortel is being filled by Darryl Edwards who was previously president of Northern Europe, Middle East and NETAS (Nortel’s jv in Turkey).

Miles has been in the UK since April 05, when he was made UK MD. He has had the cto job since only May of this year. He took over the cto post from Thomas Geitner, who was responsible for the original implementaion of the One Vodafone cost-cutting campaign and now heads up the “New Business” area within Vodafone – effectively the fixed broadband and associated service offerings.

Miles’ departure so soon after his appointment is bound to cause more comment. Publicly Vodafone was playing things down, stating that only that he “will be returning to New Zealand with his family.”

Miles said, “It is with great sadness that I will be leaving Vodafone in a few months time, but I am confident that in Steve we have found an excellent successor who will be a great leader of the Group Technology team and will successfully develop this function to support the execution of our strategy.”

Chief Executive Arun Sarin said “Tim Miles has made a major contribution to Vodafone and we wish him well in the future. I am delighted to welcome Steve Pusey to my executive team. He has a wealth of operational experience and a strong track record of delivery.”


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