Vodafone is currently offering the best mobile TV service in the UK, a report from Strategy Analytics has found, although its findings also suggest that none of the operators should get too carried away with the performance of their services.
Although Vodafone came top of the rankings, in a test of services carried out in London in June this year, it won with an overall score of 65/100. ROK TV, which uses 2.5G instead of 3G to support its service, came second and 3 came third. Orange returned a “no score” because of “technical difficulties.”
Vodafone was rated the best service in each of the four categories users were asked to rate. – Usability, Audiovisual Quality, Network Performance and Content.
3’s Mobi TV came bottom of the network performance category, and although ROK TV came second overall, its content and usability gained it the lowest marks.
ROK TV said the results proved that 2.5G can provide a decent mobile TV experience. Bruce Renny, ROK TV’s director of marketing said, “Time will tell whether this represents a barrier to customer migration from 2G to 3G or a stepping-stone.”
As for ROK coming bottom on content, Renny said, “We’re learning all the time as to what content real, paying customers want to watch on their mobiles” said Bruce Renny, Marketing Director of ROK “and, as such, we are constantly addressing and updating our content offerings. Content is, actually, the easy part in all this – it’s the technology foundation blocks which are the hard part and that’s where ROK believes we are best of breed.”