    HomeInsightsTelcordia builds on fulfillment suite

    Telcordia builds on fulfillment suite


    Telcordia has launched an enhanced version of its fulfillment suite, which builds on its Expediter order management and Granite Inventory products.

    Telcordia says the suite simplifies the fulfillment process because “operators can make a single change in service definition that is then automatically funneled down to other support systems, instead of having to make multiple changes at each point in the process”. 

    Chris Smith, executive director Telcordia Europe, said the suite had two major enhancements; the first the addition of Express Packs, the second support for native connectivity between the suite, application servers and service networks.

    “The enhanced fulfillment suite is an exciting roll out of an enhanced service that is already established and used in many operartors,” he said. “ We are really building all the knowledge we have into this fulfillment suite. As operators move into a converged world, it’s not purely about network services — the fulfillment suite is built around applications, so as operators start to support application-based services, the support for that inbuilt.”

    ‘Our express packs mean operators have the ability to deploy new services tomorrow. It means we are integrating order management, activation, provisioning and also product and life cycle management, and integration with our Maestro product line, in real time.”

    “Native network connectivity benefits operator efficiency because it means there is no handoff between the service and the network. It’s about taking a service approach when you want to roll out a new service type — the  functionality is already built into the platform,” Smith added.

    The service launch looks at first sight like more of an internal move to tie in Telcordia’s different solutions from its acquisitions. But it also recognises the need for tighter integration between the different elements of OSS, so that services and applications can be managed and controlled within a single environment.