    HomeInsightsMediaFLO may be better, but we'll stick with DVB-H, T-Mobile data chief...

    MediaFLO may be better, but we’ll stick with DVB-H, T-Mobile data chief says


    Ingo Schneider, vp mobile data at T-Mobile, has admitted to Mobile Europe that Qualcomm’s digital mobile broadcast technology MediaFLO may be better technically than DVB-H, but has reiterated that his company is happy with the performance and number of channels on DVB-H, and will stick with it.

    Speaking to Mobile Europe after the launch announcement of MTV services on the operator’s network, Schneider said “we need to embrace broadcast technologies and we prefer DVB-H.”

    Schneider said he was happy with DVB-H because it can offer “20 channels on one frequency resource, compared with DMB which has two or three channels.”

    “Customers have also been really impressed by the capability,” he said.

    However, there was an implicit agreement that MediaFLO is technically superior, due to it being later off the blocks.

    “MediaFLO started later,” he said, “and when you start later and know more, and they built on much of the DVB-H developments, you end up with a better product. So they are starting to think about it in the USA but I think that DVB-H has a good future in Europe.”