    HomeInsightsBamford first to go as Sarin fights on

    Bamford first to go as Sarin fights on


    Not an April fool

    Vodafone has announced that Peter Bamford, current chief marketing officer and and executive director will be leaving the company on 1 April 2006.

    Group Chief Executive Arun Sarin said “Peter Bamford has made a major contribution to our business over many years, as Chief Executive for our UK business, as regional Chief Executive and most recently as CMO. During that time he has been instrumental in developing our brand both within the UK and internationally and delivering a number of major initiatives including the launch of Vodafone live! with 3G and overseeing some of our key sponsorships. We wish him well in the future and thank him for all he has done for Vodafone.”

    Inevitbaly Bamford’s departure will be linked to recent boardroom strife at the company, in which it was revealed life president and former ceo Chris Gent had intended to use his proxy vote against Sarin. 

    The terse nature of the statement announcing Bamford’s departure will do little to quell speculation that all is not well in the Vodafone boardroom.