

Option, the wireless technology company, today launched the latest in its range of GlobeTrotter FUSION products – the GlobeTrotter FUSION+. This new data card, member of the blockbuster FUSION product family, is the fusion of the latest in available wireless technologies currently deployed by network operators, 3G (UMTS), EDGE, GPRS, and Wireless LAN 802.11g, in a single wireless data card.

The GlobeTrotter FUSION+TM is unique in the market being the only such wireless data card available in the market today. The GlobeTrotter FUSION+TM is currently in the final stage of product validation with a number network operators and commercial shipments of the product are due to commence during October.

Douglas Ros, Vice President Business Development & Marketing: “We continue to respond to the needs of our customers, the mobile network operators. Feedback from our customers on our FUSION product range continues to be positive and the market for wireless data cards combining wide
area technologies such as 3G and EDGE with WLAN/Wi-Fi remains buoyant. This is mainly due to the need for simplicity for the end-user and a unified product platform that is easily marketed, maintained, and supported by the network operator.

The GlobeTrotter FUSION+ broadens our market with the addition of EDGE which has been widely adopted both in Europe as well as the US market. This product now enables network operators to offer a single wireless data card solution capable of roaming world-wide whilst automatically and seamlessly selecting the fastest and most convenient data connection for their users. With the GlobeTrotter FUSIONTM, the GlobeTrotter FUSION QUAD and the GlobeTrotter
FUSIONTM we have 3 exceptional high-end data cards to offer our customers.”

On a 3G network, GlobeTrotter FUSION+TM connects to the Internet at data speeds of up to 384 kbps. Move into range of a public WiFi hotspot, the corporate Wireless LAN, or your home wireless network and the GlobeTrotter Fusion+ gives you speeds up to 54Mbps. In areas where 3G service or WiFi is not available the GlobeTrotter FUSION+TM still enables reliable and secure data connections over E-GPRS at up to 247 kbps and GPRS at up to 85.6 kbps.


– Available as two market variants:
° North America (850/1900 UMTS & 850/900/1800/1900 EDGE/GPRS)
° EMEA (2100 UMTS & 850/900/1800/1900 EDGE/GPRS)

– Multimode WLAN/UMTS/E-GPRS/GPRS/GSM card
– Provides UMTS High-speed data up to 384 kbps
– Provides E-GPRS/GPRS/GSM data up to 247 kbps
– Provides Wi-Fi® CERTIFIED WLAN speeds up to 54 Mbps WLAN 802.11g
– Transparent handover between UMTS and GSM/E-GPRS networks
– Optional seamless handover between WLAN and 2,5G/3G with Option’s Unlimited Connection
Mobile IP client software
– Compatible with nearly all popular notebook PCs equipped with Type II PC card slot and Microsoft
Windows operating system
– Securely access corporate resources with support for IPSec and VPN technology.
– PCSC-driver for EAP-SIM and other 3-party applications in need of a Smart Card Interface.
– WLAN encryption 64 or 128-bit key WEP and TKIP
– WLAN authentication 802.1x; Wi-Fi CERTIFIED WPA™ – Enterprise
– HSDPA-Ready future proofing through Flash Memory technology
– Comprehensively tested on infrastructures and networks worldwide.
– GlobeTrotter FUSION+™ is customisable for mobile operators and IT manufacturers.
In addition to the GlobeTrotter FUSION+TM wireless data card, Option offers its premier GlobeTrotter
Mobility Manager™ software enabling users of the card to have fast, simple and easy access to wireless
data whilst hiding from the user the complexity of underlying wireless 3G UMTS, GPRS and WLAN
technologies. In conjunction with Option’s mobile IP solution the user will be able to seamlessly roam
between access technologies 3G, 2G and WLAN with automatic authentication using GlobeTrotter
FUSION+TM inbuilt support for PC Smart Card and EAP-SIM.


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