HomeInsightsO2 launches i-mode today

O2 launches i-mode today


O2 is launching its i-mode service today. The operator becomes the latest European operator to licence NTT’s mobile data service and technology, and is desparate for a successful return on its substantial investment.

Mobile Europe is meeting the folks from O2 later today to discuss the launch and subsequent strategy, but we already know that the operator will keep its separate WAP portal O2 Active running in parallel with the new i-mode service for a while yet. We also know the number of handsets available was a concern for the operator, having seen KPN’s service stall at launch with a limited handset range (ie one handset!).

It seems likely a major consumer 3G campaign will not be far behind the i-mode launch, possibly incorporating HSDPA sooner than other operators in the life-cycle, as it would make sense for O2 to use i-mode plus optimised 3G radio access to differentiate itself in the market.

The service is built on NEC’s Mobile Internet Platform, which generates the service and content menus for each user and acts as a way to i-mode content.

More to follow…


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