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Mobile Europe has received the following email from ConVisual. It seems serious enough, but we are wondering about the name of the “parson from Albstadt”.

conVISUAL Launches the First Mobile Content Service with Christian Content

conVISUAL launches the first mobile content service in Germany with Christian content. Users can now for the first time give their mobile phones a Christian look and feel with Christian-oriented graphics. conVISUAL and its distribution partner WEB.DE offer this Christian content on WEB.DE’s mobile portal.

conVISUAL launches the first mobile content service with Christian content. Users can now for the first time give their cell phones a Christian look and feel with Christian content. conVISUAL and its distribution partner WEB.DE offer this  Christian content on WEB.DE’s mobile portal allowing mobile users to express their religious beliefs by personalising their handsets with Christian content.

As a specialist for Christian content, Mr. Christian Tsalos, parson from Albstadt in Germany, created the content for the conVISUAL service. Christian Tsalos publishes Christian graphics using new media, in order to approach people in a new way. He says: ”We must find a better way to communicate religion in our daily lives, and what could be more effective than taking advantage of the popularity of mobile phones.” “Mobile phones are a perfect vehicle for people to express their religious feelings” says Torsten Jüngling, Sales Director at conVISUAL. Ingo Horak, manager for paid services at WEB.DE, adds: “Christian content is a perfect additional category to our wide selection of mobile content.”

As conVISUAL’s first distribution provider for this type of content, WEB.DE offers the new Chrstian content at their mobile portal at http://handy.web.de in the area “coloured logos”.


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