HomeNewsMetaswitch joins open source cloud IMS core community Project Clearwater

Metaswitch joins open source cloud IMS core community Project Clearwater


Cloud-based software provider Metaswitch Networks has contributed the initial codebase to Project Clearwater  – a new open source cloud-based IMS initiative that aims to simplify uptake of the network.

The new solution could solve a problem for those operators that want to offer voice and multimedia services over IP, but feel restricted by having to rent IMS services or invest in an IMS core network.

Designed from scratch to work in the cloud, Project Clearwater can be used as a standalone solution for deploying mass-market VoIP services with its built-in set of basic calling features and standalone subscriber database, or deployed as an IMS core within a virtualised data centre.

The cloud-based IMS core functions just as an IMS core network does and features Proxy Call Session Control Function (CSCF), Interrogating CSCF, Serving CSCF, Breakout Gateway Control Function, Telephony Application Server (TAS) and WebRTC.

The code itself is open source and can be downloaded for free from the website (http://www.projectclearwater.org), while the initiative claims that “massive scale” and “telco-grade” reliability is possible whether an operator uses a public or private cloud environment.

“Traditional paths to IMS have been expensive and exceedingly vendor-centric,” said Martin Taylor, CTO of Metaswitch Networks. “Our aim is to provide operators and developers with the keys to quickly move to highly-scaled VoIP and VoLTE networks and create tomorrow’s most advanced Web-scale communications applications.

“We think that by openly sharing our knowledge, experience and codebase, we can kick-start more industry innovation and accelerate the promise of the new software telco,” he added.

Project Clearwater suggests using Amazon Web Services and says that the rate charged would be USD$0.02 per subscriber.